Monday 21 December 2015

Singing Carols with our Partners from Warsaw

12.21.2015. The  group of my Ss, which takes part in the project «Christmas and New Year Traditions», sang carols with the Polish project partners from Warsaw per SKYPE. The children were happy to greet each other, introduce themselves told some interesting things about their countries, cultures, customs. Although the Ss were a little bit shy, they sang merryly then. They also sang New Year songs in Polish and Ukrainian, the children talked about Christmas food, gifts, Christmas tree at schools and future holidays. The children are going to chat after the holidays again. We are going to communicate with other partners as well.


  1. Спочатку ми розгубилися і не знали, що сказати)))) А потім все стало легше. Ми заспівали українські пісні і колядки, які знали. Прийшлося згадати все, бо учням з Польщі сподобалося). Скоро будемо ще спілкуватися скайпом?

  2. Звичайно, на нас вже чекають дві школи з Польщі. Скоро будемо.
