Thursday, 6 February 2014


      They will be 2 peculiar lessons because of their procedures and structures; they will last for 45 minutes and students’ groundwork. There are two classes of 15 students. The classes are mixed abilities ones. The students of the class A have to choose the materials for the film about Ukraine, make the maps of the regions (they draw the parts of the country), make the film create two games for different level students, write cinquain poems as many, as they can. The list of possible subjects of the lessons is chosen by the teacher according to the plan, but the students have a great opportunity to choose a subject themselves. The students share the roles themselves too. The teacher observes their work, corrects mistakes and helps in creating the film, games, writing poems. The students of the class B have to watch the film and do the tasks after it (play two games). They are divided into two groups due to their abilities to do the tasks. The first game is like a puzzle, but they prepare it for playing themselves (the students cut the printed parts of the map and match them according to a big map of the country) and guess the regions watching the film again; the second one is for high level students. They guess the regions, using the poems, find out and write down the lost line in the poems and move according to the rules of the game (they are clarified in the presentation). But they prepare the map for the game themselves too it (the students cut the printed parts of the map and match them according to a big map with the numbered regions).

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